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Lord Belhaverfs Speech: jy
‘Shfer into the fucceffion, we were content to em¬
power her Majefly to authorize and appoint Com*
mifiioners to treat with the Commiffioners of
iand, with as ample power as the Lords Commif-
Ifioners from England had from their condiments,
. that we might not appear to have lefs confidence in
her Majefty, nor more narrow-hearted in our a&
than our neighbours of England. And thereupon,
laft Parliament, after her Majefty’s gracious letter
, was read, “ Defiring us to declare the Succeffion in
“ the fir ft place, and afterwards appoint Gomiffio-
“ ners to treat,” we found it heceflary to renew our
; former refolve, which I fhall read to this honour-
?ble houfe.
â– iTrefented by the Duke of HAMILTON,
lafl Sejfioa'of Parliament.
^ HT' HAT this Parliament will not proceed
'* X to the Nomination of a Succeflbr, till we
!" have had a previous treaty with England in rela-
r tion to our Commerce and other concerns with
that nation. And farther, it is refolved, That
!“ this Parliament will proceed to make fuch limi-
r‘ tations and conditions of Government, for the
reftification of our conftitution, as may fecure
the liberty, religion"^nd independency of this
kingdom, before they proceed to the aominati-