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Lord Belbavtris Speech. 9
' :ock, a viper and an ape, are but too fmall punifh-
neuts for any fuch bold.unnatural undertaking and
! '.omplaifance.
:jj That 1 may pave a way, My Lord, to a full, calm
i rod free reafoning upon this affair, which is of the
5 alt confequence unto this nation, I (hall remind this
d ionourahlc houfe, that we are the fucctflbrs of thofe
aoble predecefibrs, who founded our monarchy,
in framed our laws, amended, altered, and correttcd
than from time to time, as the affirirs and circum-
iij Stances of the nation did require, without the ad-
>;.» srice of any foreign power or potentate ; and who.
injuring the fpace of 2000 years, have handed them
< \ down to us, a free independent nation, attheha-
itard of their lives and fortunes. Shall not we then
» argue for that which our progenitors have purchas'd
ij for us at fo dear a rate, and wiih fo much immor-
ittlal honour and g’ory ? God forbid. Shall the ha-
ijjtard of a father unbind the ligaments of a dumb
[on's tongue, and (hall wc hold our peace, when
iif our P atria is in danger! I fpeak this, My Lord,
it lhatl may encourage every individual member of
i, this houfe to fpeak his mind freely. There are ma-
•diiny wife and prudent men amongff us, who think it
itiot worth their while to open their mouths : there
,?are others, who can fpeak very well, and to good
<, purpofe, who (belter themfelves under the fhame-
.lulcloke of filence, from a fear of the frowns of
j||>reat men and parties. I have obferved, my Lord,
j by my experience, the greatelt number of fpeakers
I an the molt trivial affairs; and it will always prove
i jjfo-, while we come not to the right underftanding of
• our oath do fideti, whereby we are bound, not only
. to give our vote, but our faithful advice in Parlia-
.•ament, as we (hould avfixer to God; and, in our an-
. cientlavvs, therepr fentatives of the honourable ba-
; ;roas, and the ro^al burroughs, are termed Spokef-
J B men t