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t,ord BeHmverdf Speech-
*• j.e further profecutioa of what I have to fay, I flial!
;j ifift up> >u fome few particulars, very nectflary to
5 underltood, before we eater into a detail of fo
sjttportant a nature.
i i (hall therefore, in the firjl place> encourage a
i ee and fell deliberation, without aainoofitks acd
. yats. In the mxt place- I (hall endeavour to make
iquiry into the nature ond. fource of the ua^tmal
tfad dangerous diviftons that are now oa foot wlth-
; i this ille ; with fotne motives, fhewieg that it is
>! ur intereft to lay them afide at this time. Then I
i .all inquire into the reafons which hare induced the
wo nations to enter into a Treaty oj Union at this
a me } with fome coulideiations and meditation^
^tith relation to the behaviour of the Lords Cota-
uttHfiooers ofthg two kingdom?, in the raanaoeaieat
x f this gieat concera. And, lajily, I ffeali progofc
i method, by which we {hall, moll djftjn&Jy, and
P'thout contufjon, go through the fevera! arfktes
this Treaty, without unncccffary repetidccs, or
t 3& of time. And all this with deference, aod na-
er the correftion of this honourable Houfe.
l My Lord Chancellory The greateff honour that
5 ras done unto a h*man, was to allow him the gfes
it i, of a triumph. The great eft and moft ddhocou-
ii) ible punifhment was that of parricide. He that
; as guilty of parricide was beaten with rods npoa
is naked body, till the blood gufhed out of ttt the
fins of bis body ; then he was fewed up in a Jeaw
«j»ern fack, called a Culeus, with a cock, a ?iper,
{ad an ape, and thrown headlong into the ft*.
ij My Lord, Patricide is a greater crime than par-
f hide aft the world over.
Mb a triumph, My Lord, when the conqueror
i ^s riding in his triumphal chariot, crowned witli
iUrel*,, adcMJed with trophies, and applauded who;