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Ch. III.
Fjle s h.
To make Cake-jelly of Calves Feet.
Take nine or a dozen gang of
calves feet ; fcald them very well j
flit them up, and lay them amongft
lukewarm water for feveral hours;
put them on in a large pot. When
they are fo well boiled that the bones
will come out, take all the bones
from them ; put all the meat back
into the pot, and let it boil until the
whole fubftance is out of it; ftrain
it through a hair-fearch into an
earthen veflel that will hold it; wrhile
it is warm, fcum all the fat you can
off it; let it Hand all night; and if
there is any fat remaining on it, take
it clean off; when you take it out of
the veflel, cut all the fediment from
the bottom of it; then put the flock
into a clean brafs pan ; fet it on a
fire neither too ftrong nor too flow ; it
muft boil until it is very thick, and
appears almoft black in the pan ;
then turn it out as thin as you can
on ftone plates; when it is cool, take
it from the plates, and lay it at a di-