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morality, becaufe I found in them, every moment,
paffages that flattered my averfion for the court,
and my inclination for folitude.
I fpent three weeks, without hearing a fyllable
of my agent, who at length returned, and faid to
pie with a gay air,: “ This time, Signior de San-
tillane, I bring good news ; madam the nurfe in-
terefts herfelf in your behalf. Her maid, at my
jntreaty, in confideration of an hundred piftoles
that I have configned to her, has been fo generous
as to engage her to beg your releafe of the prince
of Spain j and that prince, who, as I' have already
obferved, can refufe her nothing, has promifed to
aflc it of the king his father. I am come hither
in a hurry, to apprize you of it, and fliall re¬
turn immediately, to put the finifliing ftroke to
the work.” So faying, he left me, and went
back to court.
His third trip was not of long duration. In
eight days my man returned, and told me, that
the prince had, not without difficulty, obtained
my releafe. This piece of information was con¬
firmed the fame day by Mr. Keeper, who em¬
braced me, faying* “ My dear Gi! Bias, thank
heaven ! you are free ! the gates of this prifon are
open to you ; but upon two conditions, which
perhaps, will give you a great deal of pain, and
which I am obliged to inform you of, though not
without regret. His majefty- forbids you to ap¬
pear at court, and orders you to quit the kingdom
of Caftile in a tpanth. I am very much morti¬
fied that you are prohibited from going to court.”
“ And I am overjoyed at it, (1 replied :) God
knows what my opinion of it is. I expedted but
one favour from the king, and I have received
5 Being