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SIP The - A,D V E NT T U R-E S of
knew Helena to be a proud girl, capable of taking
an inftantaneous refolution, provided (he flrould
have no fufpicion -of the cheat. Don George un¬
dertook to. inform her of my change j and, to
make the thing feem more natural, carried along
with him the merchant who had received the pre¬
tended letter from Parma. The fclieme was exe¬
cuted accordingly. The father, in an affe&ed
paffion. of rage and vexation, faid to Helena,
“Daughter, I will np. longer obferve to you, that
my relations daily requelt that I.will not admit the
murderer of Don Auguftin into my family. I
have a ftronger.rcafon to give you to-day, in order
to detach you fropa Don Gallon. You ought to he
aihamed of. your, fidelity to h m. He is a fickle
perfidious wretch. Here is a certain proof of bis
infidelity. Read'this letter, which a merchant of
Coria has received from Italy."- Helena trembling
took the fiflitious letter, read it over, contidcred
every exprefilon, and was. thunderflruck at die
news of my inconftancy. A fentiment of tender-
nefs made her Ihed feme, tears : but foon recalling
albhCr pride, Ihe dried thenpup, and faid to her
father with a refolute tone, “ Siguier, you have
been witnefs of my weajtnefs, bear wirnefs alfo of
the vi&opy I gain over myfelf. - ’.Tis .done. I
now defpife Don Gafion, and look upon him as the
lowed of mankind. But let. us talk no moie about
him. /Come, I am ready tp follow Don Bias to
the altar : let my marriage precede that of the
perfidious "man Who has lb ill repaid my love ”
Don George, tranfpprted with joy at thefe words,
embraced his daughter, applauded her vigorous rp-
folutipn, and glad of thp l)aPPy-( fuctefs of his
ftrat.agem, made hafte to complete the wilbes of
my rival.