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G I L B L A S. JT7
than I, ahho’ I had been two years at fchool. He
was a compieat fencer; I could not poflibly have
expofed my life to greater danger. Neverthelefs, as
it often happens, that the ftrongeft is vanquifhed
by the weakeit, my rival, in fpite of all his fkill,
received a thruft that went through his heart, apd
fell (lone dead in an inftant.
1 returned immediately to the country-houfe,
where 1 informed a valet de chambre whom I
could trull, of what had happened, and faid to
him, “ Dear Ramira, befere juftice can take cog¬
nizance of this event,' take a good horfe, and give
my aunt notice of the adventure. Afk of her fome
money and jewels, and bring them to me at Pla-
zencia, where thou wilt find me in the firft inn
you come to as you enter the city.”
Ramira acquitted himfelf of his commiflion
with fuch diligence, that he arrived at Plazencia
three houis after me. He told me, that Donna
Eleonora was more pleafed than afflifted at the
news of a duel that revenged the affront which I
had received in the firft 5 and that fhe had fent me
all her ready money and jewels, to enable me to
travel agreeably in foreign ccuntries, until fhe
fhould get the affair accommodated.
To pafs over fuperfluous circumftances, X will
only inform you, that I crofled New Caflile, to the
kingdom of Valencia, in order to embark at Denia,
from whence I took a paifage for Italy, where I
put myfelf in a condition to vifit different pourts,
and appear in a fuitable character. • •
While far from my Helen, I endeavoured as
. much as in me lay, to beguile my love and for-
rows: fhe mourned my abfence in'fecret at Coria.
Jnftead of approving of the profeeutiorr that her
family fet on foot againft me, on account of Olig-
U 3 hern’s