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ioo The ADVENTURE* of
(he replied) de you think you have loft your li¬
berty forever? You are miftaken; and! dare
allure you, that you will be quit for a few months
of imprifonment.” “ What fay you, Signior Don
Andrea ! (cried I) it feems then you know the
caufe of my misfortune.3’ “ I confefs ((aid he) I
am not ignorant of the affair. Thealguazil, who;
brought you hither, imparted the ffcret to me ; and
I (hall now reveal it.”.
Fje. tojd me, that the king, being informed of
your having, in concert with the count d'e Lernos,
carried the prince of Spain to the houfe of a fuf-
pedled lady ; had, to punifh you toth, exiled the
count, and fent you to the tower of Segovia, to
be treated with all the rigouc, yvhich you have ex¬
perienced fince your arrival.” “ And how (faid
J) did this affair come to the knowledge of the
king ? if is that circumftance in particular, of
which I wanted to be informed.” “ And that cir¬
cumftance (he replied) is what Icouldnot learn from
the alguazil, who, in all likelihood, is hiipfelf ig¬
norant of the matter.”
Here our converfation was interrupted by the
entrance of feveral valets, who brought up fupper.
They put upon the table, feme bread, two cups,
two bottles, and three large dilhes, in one of
which there was a ragout of hare, with plenty of
onions, oil and faffron, and olla podrida * in an¬
other ; and the third contained a turky-powt on a
marmalade of f berengena. When Tordefillas faw
that we had every thing we wanted, he fent away
his fervants, not caring that they (hould overhear
our difeourfe, and having locked the door, we fat
down at table, oppofite to one another. “ Le;
* Olla podrida, a difti cojnpofed of all forts of food.
■I- Berengena, a kind of fruit growing like cucumber,
and eaten like French beans, with mutton, &c.