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GILB'L'A^ ~ 167-
S^ain, whofe foie confident ha Awas-:- he then gave
me charge of a very honourable commiflion which
be had already prepar’d forme “Friend San-
tillanr, ffaid he) now is the time to be doing;
[pare nothing to difcover fome young beauty, who
(hall be worthy to amufe that gallant prince. You
don’t want wit, and I need fay no more ; go,
run, fearch, and when you have made a lucky
iifcovery, come and impart it to me.” 1 promifed
to negleft nothing, in acquitting myfelf handfomely
of this employment, which muft not be very 'dif¬
ficult to exercife, fince fo many people live by the
fame profeflion.
I had not been much ufed to thefe kinds of in¬
quiry ; but not doubting that Scipio was an adept
in the art; 1 called for him when 1 came home, and
raid to him in private, “ Child, I am going to in-
trult thee with a great fecret. Doft thou know, that
in the midfi of fortune's favours I find I want fome-
thing ITan eafily guefs what that is, (faid
he, interrupting me before I could proceed) you
want an agreeable nymph to unbend and exhilerate
your fpirits ; and truly it is aftonifhing, that you
fhould be without one in the prime of your age,
when grave grey-beards cannot difpenfe with fuels
recreation.”—-" I admire thy penetration; (an-
fwered I with a fmile) yes, a miftrefs I want,
and defire to have one of thy recommending. But
I muft warn thee before-hand, that I am very de¬
licate in thefe matters. I expe£l a lady of beauty
and good morals.” “ What you require (re¬
plied Scipio) is not eafily found; but, however,
we live, thank God, in a city that affords fome of
all forts, and I hope I fhall foon be able to fit you
Sure enough, in three days he fatd, “ I have
difeovered a treafure ; a young lady, whofe name
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