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i(5o The ADVENTURES of
dainty memory. I furnifhed my cellar with deli* j
clous wines, and after having laid in all other kinds !
of provifion, began to receive company. Every ■
evening, feme of the principal clerks of the mi- '
niller’s office, who proudly affume the quality of;
fecretaries of Rate, came to fup with me. I gave !
them good cheer, and always fent them home well j
watered. Scipio, on his .fide, (for it was lik« !
matter, like man) kept table alfo, in the buttery, !
where he regaled his acquaintance at my expence.
But, exclufive of my regard for that young fellow, .
J thought, as he contributed to my getting money, j
lie had a right to aflift me in fpending ir. Befides, !
I looked upon this profuflon like a young man, and
did not perceive the confequence. 1 had another j
reafon alfo, for overlooking it. Benefices and :
employments never ceafed bringing grift to the
mill! and feeing my finances daily increafe, I
thought I had, for once, drove a nail into the ;
wheel of fortune.
There was nothing now wanting to gratify my
vanity, but to make Fabricius an eye-witnefs of :
my pomp. I did not doubt that he was returned '
from Andaloufia ; and, that I might have the plea-
fure of furprizing him, fent him an anonymous ‘i
billet, importing, that a Sicilian nobleman of his :j
acquaintance, expedled him to fupper, at fuch a j
day, hour, and place. Nunnez came at the time
appointed, and was amazed to find that I was the ,
foreign nobleman, who bad invited him to fupper. 1
“ Yes, friend, (faid I to him) this is my houfe ; 1
I have a handfome equipage, a good table, and a
ftrong box befides.” “ Is it poffible (cried he,
with great vivacity) that I find thee again in fuch
opulence! how happy am I in having recom-
wejided ifiee to Count Galiano ! I tolfl thee that ,