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opportunity, prornifed to bring a thoufand piftolesi
to him at his levee to-morrow, as an earneft of;
greater fums which I have undertaken to furhith him;
with in a very little time. He was charmed with mf
promife j and I am certain of captivating his favour^
if I keep my word. Go and tell thefe circumflances
to my uncle, and return in the evening, to inform,
me of his fentiments of the matter.”
I quitted the Count de Lemos immediately, and
went back to the duke of Lerma, who, on my re¬
port, fent to Calderona for a thoufand piltoles,;
which he gave me to carry in the evening to the!
eount. This I performed; faying to myfelf,
O ho ! I now fee plainly what the infallible method;
is which the minifter takes to fucceed in his enter-;
prize : upon my foul he is in the right; and, to all;
appearance, thefe prodigalities will not ruin his
fortune : I can eafily guefs from whofe coffers thefe
piftoles are taken : but after all, it is but reafonable'
that the father fhould maintain the fon.” The
Count de Lemos, when we parted, faid foftly,,
“ Farewel, dear confident; the prince of Spain is a,
little amorous : you and I muff have a conference
on that fubjedl one of thefe days : I forefee that I;
fhall have occafion for your dexterity very foon.” ‘
1 came home muling on thefe words, which were •
not at all ambiguous, and which filled me with I
joy. “ The devil ! (faid I).l am juft on the eve of i
becoming Mercury to the heir of the kingdom,” ;
J did not examine into the goodnefs or badnefs of!
the office ; the quality of the gallant laid my virtue '
afleep. What glory was it for me to be made mi-,
pifter of pleafure to a great prince 1 “ Softly, Mr. .
Gil Bias, (feme folks will fay) the bufmefs was only
to make you deputy-niimfter. I own it : but at