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Git B L A S.
Being gentleman of his bed-chamber, he has an Of-
jponunity of talking with him every moment; and
befides that he does not want wit, I know a fure
method for him to fucceed in that enterprize. By
this ftratagem, I will oppoferriy nephew to my fon,
and breed a divifion between the two coofins,
Kvhich will oblige them both to court my fupport,
the awe of which will keep them fubmiflive to my
will. This (added he) is my fcheme; and thy
ifftflance will be very ferviceable to me : for I will
always fend thee to the Count de Leirios, and thou
fhak report from him whatever he fhall have occa-
fion to impart.*’
After this conference, which I regarded as ready
money, I tio longer felt any difquiet. “ At length
(faid I to myfelf) I am under the fpout; a fhower of
gold will certainly rain upon me; for it is impoflible
but that the confident of a man, who by way of ex¬
cellence, is called the great pillar of the Spanifli mo¬
narchy, fhould be in a very fhort time loaded with
wealth.” Full of fuch agreeable hope, 1 faw with
indifference thy poor purfe giving up the ghdft.
■bil Bias is overivbelncJ‘with joy, honour and ,Jif.reft.
H E minifter’s affeftion for me was foon per¬
ceived ; for he affefled to give marks of it in
public, giving me the charge of his porto-folio, which
he ufed to cirry in his own hand to council. This
novelty making people look upon me as a fmall fa¬
vourite, excited the envy of feveral perfons ; and
was the occafion of my receiving a great deal of court
holy-water. My two neighbours the fecretaries,
were not the laft in complimenting me upon my ap¬
proaching greatnefs; and they invited me to fup at
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