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airured me, obligingly enough, that he would le|
flip no opportunity of doing me fervice,
I thanked him with great demonflrations ol
zeal for his favourable fentiments of me ; and
having vowed eternal attachment to him, took myi
leave for fear of incommoding him, and begged
he-would'excufe me, if I had interrupted him iri
his important affairs. As foon as I had a&ed- this
mean part, I went to my office, where I finilhed
the talk which had been impofed. The duke, who
did not fail to come thither in the morning, wasj
no lefs pleafed with the end, than he had beeni
\yith the beginning of my work ; and faid : “ This
is extremtely well i write as well as thou canft thisj
abridged hiftory in the regifter of Catalonia : after!
which, thou /halt take another information out ofj
the-porfo-folio, and manage it in the fame man-i
ner.” I had a pretty long cotiverfaticn with his
excellency, and was charmed with his fweetnefs^
and familiarity of behaviour. What a difference;
was there between him and Calderona ! They were-
two figures flrongly contratted.
' I dined that day^in an eating-houfe for a mo^i
derate expence, and refolved to go thither incog¬
nito every evening, untiLI fliould fee the effett of
my complaifance and, fervility. I had money fuf-^
ficient to maintain me three months, during which]
I vefolved to work at a venture 9 propofing, as tho
ffiorteft follies are the lead prejudicial, to abandon,
the court and all its tinfel, if I Ihould receive no'
falary before the expiration of that term. This^l
therefore, was my plan. I fpared nothing, during
two-months, to pleafe Calderona 9 but he took fo
little notice of my endeavouis, that defpairing of
fuctefs, I changed my conduit towards inm ; and