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'IST Ihe ■A &V!EU TIT RES of
portmanteau, my only confoJation ! you ftavi
been,- 1-lee, at. the mercy of ftrangers. “ No, no!
Signior CJil Bias, (faid the -old woman) don’t bi
' uneafy: nothing is ftolen from you 9 -I have pro
' tefled your box, as if it had been my own hoi
I found in it the fuit of cloaths.'which I ha<
when I came into the count’s fervice, but I lookei
in viin for chat which ’the Meflenian had prdcret
to be made for me. My mailer had not-though
proper to leave it with me, or elfe fomebody ha)
'made free with it, during my delirium. fVU ro:
other baggage remained, and even a great leather!
-purfe that contained my money, which I reckon*
" twice, as I.could not, at firft, believe,- that then
were but fifty piftoles remaining, of two hundrej
and fixty that were in it before I fell fick. “ Wha
is tilie meaning of this, my good mother ! (faid:
'to the nurfe^ my finances are terribly diminilhed^
“ And yet nobody,-except myfelf, have touche
’theft), (faid the old woman) and I have been a
‘frugal as poffible : but ficknefs is.very expenfiva
■ one-is always laying out. Here, (added the godi
mother, taking a packet- of papers out of h|
pocket) here is an account of the expence, as jiH
as the current coin, which will Ihew that I hay
' not emplbyed a maraverii amifs.”
1 glanced over the bill, which .contained fifted
or twenty pages. Mercy upon me I what a quan
tity of poultry had been bought. While l wa
out of my fenfes. There was in broths only, t
the amourrt of twelve piAoles, at leaft. The oth«
articles were anfwetable to this. It can’t beims
gined, how much was laid Out for wood, candle:
water aiyj bropms. Nevenbelefs, fwelled as thi