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laved to my mafter, by my (economy, three thou-
fand ducats at leaft.
y?K accider.t happens to Count Galiano's baboon, ivbiclo
'■ is the cauje of great affiiBion to thai nobl man, ' Git
\ 'Bias falls fck ; the confequen'ce of his dijlemper.,
ABOUT this time the repofe of the family
was ftrangely difturbed by an accident which
will feem trifling to the reader, though it turned
out a very ferious matter to the fervants, and
•fpecially to me : Cupid, that baboon of which V
have made mention, that animal fo beloved by our
mafter, attempting one day to leap from one win- ■
dow to another, acquitted himfelf fo ill it) the per¬
formance, that he fell down into the court, and
'diflocated his leg. The count no fooner under¬
flood this misfortune, than he uttered fuch piercing
cries, that they wer? heard all .over the neighbour-
:hood } ^n<j in the excefs of bis. grief, attacking
all his fervants without exception, he; had well •
nigh made a clean houfe. His fury, however, was
limited to cyirfing our negligences, and abufing us,
'without fparing terms of reproach. Ho fent im-
‘ mediately for thofe furgeons who were- moft -
i experf in fraftpres,and diflocated bones ; and who ‘
having yifited the patient’s leg, reduced it, and :
^applied bandages accordingly. But though .all of
Jthem afTyred him there was no danger, my mafter •
retained one of them in the houfe, to be always
* near the anipnaj until it; was perfedlly cured.
I fhould be to blame, if I paffed over in filence the
' grief and anxiety which preyed upon the heart of
. the Sicilian qobleman, during1 the whole time of
» the cute. Will it be believed, that all the day