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8i The AD,V^NTURES of
of the third, and a kitchen,of. the laft. The cham-j • l
her and antichamber were lined, with maps and rt
thefes of philofpphy, and the furniture was fuitableM
tq this kind of hanging 5 confifting of a largA
Ijrocard bed, very much worn, old chairs coveretBB
with yellow ferge, garnilhcd with a fringe of Gre-1*’
nada filk,of the fame colour; a table with gildi
fget, covered with leather that feemed to he oncajp
red, and bordered with a tinfel fringe becometp
black by the Japfe of time } with an ebony cup- c
board, adorned with figures coarfely carved. Hall
had, inftepd of 9 bureau, in his elofet a little ta-l
ble ; and his library was compofed of feme books, |
yvith feveral bundles of paper lying on IheJves, pla-je
Ced above one another, along the wall. His kitchen,!«
which was conformable to the reft, contained feme; r
earthen ware, and other neceflary utenfils, !
Fabricius, after having given me time to con-: n
fider his apartment, faid, “ What doft thou thinkj 1
of my lodging and oeconomy ? a’n’t thou en-<n
chanted with them ?” “ Yes, faith, (1 replied, 1
fmiling) I an) fo. Thou muft certainly have play-|
ed thy cards well at Madpid, to be fo well fufniihed,
'£hqu, d°ubtlefs, enjoyed fome port.” “ Hea-=
ven forbid! (replied he) the bufinefs 1 follow is above!
all.emplpyments whatever. A man of fafhion, to;
whom this houfe.belongs, gave ms a room, which*
I have divided into four, and furniftied, as tliou<
feeft. I meddle with nothing but what gives mej
pleafure, and feel not the cravings of necefiiry.”*
“ Pray be more explicit, (faid I, interrupting him);
you irritate the defire I have of knowing what you.
do. ’ “ Well, (faid he) thou /halt be fatisfied. lam.
turned author, and have commenced wit; I write
(n verfe as well as in profe, and am equally good