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mour; mirth had reigned in my converfation with!
thefe two gentlemen ; my fortune had a mofu
fmiling face ; and notwithftanding, my fpirits funk-,|
■without my knowing the reafon, and without myl
being able to keep them up. It was, doubtlefsj
a prefage of the misfortune with which I waai
As I entered the green-room, Melchior Zapataii
came to me, and telling me foftly to follow hi ml
carried me into a private place, and addrefled me
in this manner, “ Signior cavalier, I think it my
duty to give you a very important piece of in-j
telligence. Yon know that the marquis de Ma-
rialva had, at firft, a paffion for Narcilfa, my wife j
and already appointed a day to come and "take :
flice of my rib, when the artful Eftella found r
means to break the bargain, and allure the Por-i
tugueze nobleman to her own charms. You may a
Well believe, that an: adirefs does not lofe fuch t
good prey without vexation. My fpoufe has thi< rl
affair at heart, and is capable of undertaking any::
thing to be revenged : <he has now a fair occafionj
Yeflerday, if you remember, all our fervantStj
crowded to fee you : when the under candle-^fnuf, q
fer told feme of the company, that he knew you J|
very wall, and that you was nothing lefs tha| (
Elfella’s brother.
This rep'ort, (added Melchior) reached the ear! ej
of NareifTa, Who did not fail to interrogate thjir
author, and he has; confirmed his aflertion, b; Ij
telling her,' that he knew you Arfenia’s valet, a
the fame time that Eftella, under the name o 1
Laura, ferved that affrefs at Madrid. My wife tl
charmed with this difeovery, will impart it ti j
the Marquis de' Marialva, who is to1 be at thtl
pfey this evening. Take your meafures accord ij
ingly H