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influence, and terminated in the loss of these important settle¬
ments ; but, presenting a determined front to her enemies, she
founded in the East an empire of vast wealth and extent.
At the close of the eighteenth century, war raged throughout
the greater part of Europe ; and the very foundations of society
were shaken by the most terrible revolution on record. The
political whirlwind spread from France over Europe, leaving
in all directions the deepest marks of its progress. But as
storms and tempests serve to purify the atmosphere, so good
has, in the political world, sprung out of what appeared to be
unmingled evil. Constitutional monarchies are every where
established, or the way is rapidly preparing for them ; and the
influence of the middle class is more directly felt in the gov¬
ernments both of England and France.
Britain and Ireland 1509, Henry VIII 1513, Battle of Flodden;
James V -1514, Wolsey.—1527, Anne Boleyn.—1530, First Suppres¬
sion of Monasteries 1542, Mary, Queen of Scotland.—1547, Edward
VI—1553, Mary.—1558, Elizabeth.—1587, Queen of Scotland beheaded.
—1588, Spanish Armada defeated.—1598, Irish Revolt.
France.—1508, League of Cambray against Venice.—1512, Battle of
Ravenna.—1515, Francis I.—1520, Field of Cloth of Gold.—1544,
Battle of Cerrisoles; Boulogne taken by the English.—1545, Massacre of
the Vandois—1558, Calais recovered 1560, Charles IX.—1572, Mas¬
sacre of St Bartholomew.—1574, Henry III.—1588, States of Blois
1589, Henry IV.—1598, Edict of Nantes.
Italian Peninsula—1501, Naples conquered by the French—1503,
Battle of Cerignola; 1525, of Pavia—1537, Cosmo de Medici—1547,
Fieschi’s Conspiracy.—1580, Charles Emanuel of Savoy.—1585, Pope
Sixtus V.
Spanish Peninsula 1500, Charles V. born; Ximenes—1539, Last
Castilian Cortes.—1555, Philip 11—1557, Sebastian ofPortugal.—1578,
Henry I. of Portugal.—1596, Cadiz taken by the English.
United Provinces.—1568, Death of Counts Egraont and Horn.—
1579, Union of Utrecht.—1584, Prince of Orange murdered—1597,
Victory of Turnhout.
Germany 1501, Aulic Council—1517, Luther 1519, Charles V.
Emperor.—1530, Diet of Augsburg.—1535, Anabaptist War.—1545,
Council of Trent—1552, Treaty of Passau—1556, Ferdinand I.; 1564,
Maximilian II.; 1576, Rudolph II.