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200 of the peak.
^‘Wisdoxn, sir,” replied Peveril, “is like the
best ware in the pedlar’s pack, which he never
produces till he knows his customer.”
“ Sharp as mustard,” returned the bon vivant;
“hut he wise, most noble pedlar, and take an¬
other rummer of this same flask, which you see
I have held in an oblique position for your ser¬
vice—not permitting it to retrograde to the per¬
pendicular. Nay, take it off before the bubble
bursts on the rim, and the zest is gone.’’
“You do me honour, sir,” said Peveril, taking
the second glass, “I wish you a better office
than that of my cup-bearer.'”
“You cannot wish Will Smith one more con¬
genial to his nature,” said Ganlesse. “Others
have a selfish delight in the objects of sense. Will
thrives, and is happy, by imparting them to others.’’
“Better help men to pleasures than to pains,
Master Ganlesse,” answered Smith, somewhat
“Nay, wrath thee not. Will,” said Ganlessej
“and speak no words in haste, lest you may have
cause to repent at leisure. Do I blame thy so¬
cial concern for the pleasures of others? Why,
man, thou doest therein most philosophically
multiply thine own. A man has but one throat,
and can but eat, with his best efforts, some five
or six times a-day; but thou dinest with every
friend that cuts up a capon, and art quaffing
wine in other men’s gullets, from morning to
night—et sic de caeteris”