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[ *8 ]
The Complete Englifh Traveller ;
O R,
A New Survey and Description of
'Containing a full Account of whatever is curious and en¬
tertaining in the feveral Counties of England and Wales,
the Ifle of Man, Jerley, Guemfey, and other Iflands adjoin¬
ing to, and dependent on the Crown of Great Britain. To
which is added, a concife and accurate Defcription of
that Part of Great Britain called Scotland; its ancient and
prefent State, Antiquities, and natural Curiofitiee : Toge¬
ther with the Manners and Cuftoms of the Inhabitants, &c.
By Nathaniel Spencert Efq;
Elegantly printed on an excellent new Letter and fine
Paper, embellilhed with a curious Frontifpiece, drawn by
Wale, and engraved by Grignion : Aifo a large and beau¬
tiful View of Chatfworth, in Derbylhire, the Seat of his
Grace the Duke of Devonlhire. The Whole completed,
in Sixty Numbers (making an elegant Volume in Folio),
each of them embelliftied with at leaft one beautiful Cop¬
Adorned with upwards of Sixty beautiful Copper-plates,,
by the beftMafters. Price, neatly bound in Calf, 11. 16 s.
*** Thole Gentlemen who prefer taking in the above
Weekly to having it complete, may have one or more Num¬
bers at a Time.
O R,
Containing the Arts of Fortune-Telling, Conjuring, and
Juggling, in all their Branches—The Method of throwing^
Cups and Balls, eating Fire, and other curious Feats of
Legerdemain—A true Interpretation of all Kinds ofDreams,
digetted into Alphabetical Order—The Art of Palmeftry,
or Prognoftkation by the Lines of the Hand. To which
is added, an entire new and extraordinary Method of tell-
, ing Fortunes by Cards and Dice j with many Particulars
never before publiflied.
By William Partridge, Do&or of Aftxology.
Adorned with a molt beautiful Frontifpiece, finely engraved