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The Complete Enrlijh Brewer j
O R,
The whole Art and Myflery of Brewing,
In all its various Branches.
Containing plain and eafy Dire&ions for Brewing all-
Sorts of Malt Liquors in the greatelt Perfeition, from the
linalielt to the largcit Quantities.
By George JVatkins.
In a handfomc Pocket Volume. Price, fewed, as.
The Youth’s Pocket Companion ;
Containing a Syftem of ufeful Knowledge, proper for
every young Man, who defires to thrive in the World.—
Particularly a complete Grammar of the Englifh Language.
The bell In-ftruilions for Writing, making Pens, &c.—
Familiar Letters on the common Occurrences of Life, on
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be obferved in the Condwfl of Life, to lead to Happinefs and
Profperity—The Pocket Fattier—The Gardener’s Direc¬
tory, &c.—Examples of the mod necdlary Forms in Law.
By George JVilfon, Teacher at an Academy in
Adorned with a moil beautiful Frontifpiece, finely en¬
graved. Price —— i s.
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In a Sents of interfiling Dialogues between married Men
ami their Wives, in every Station and Condition of Life.
Inleribed to the young and unmarried of both Sexes.
In a handlbmePocket Volume, adorned with a moft beau¬
tiful Front ilptece, finely eng-ravedf rotn an original Draw-
irg taken from the Life.
Price, neatly bound, •—* •— 3 s.
• * 1 XXXIV.