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O R,
Containing genuine and circuinftantial Narratives of t?ie
Lives and J'ranl'aftions, various Exploits, and Dying
Speeches, of the molt notorious Criminals of> both Sexes,
who luffered Death, and other Punifiiments, in Great Hri-
. tajii and Ireland, fiom the Year 1700 to the prelent Time,
i-4 High Trealon, Petty Treafott, Murder, Sodomy, Piracy,
Felony, Hiphway Robberies, Forgery, Rapes, Bigamy,
Burglaries, Riots, &c. and various other Crimes and Mif-
fWmeanois, on a Plan entirely new : Wherein is fully
/lilplayed, the regular Progieis from Virtue t*o Vice, intei-
fperlcd with ftt iking Refleftioivs on the Conduit of thole
unhappy Wretches who have fallen a Sacrifice to the in¬
jured Laws of their Country. The Whole tending to
y 1:atd young Minds from the Allurements of Vice, and
the Paths that lead to Delh uftion.
Adorned with Fifty beautiful Copper-plates. Price,
neatly bound, - *1. 10 s.
%*' Thole who donot chufe to purchale the above Work
complete, my have it in Fifty Six-penny Numbers, one
nr more at a Time, each of them containing at lead One
The Art of English Shooting;
Under the following Heads Of the Knowledge of a
wood Fowling-Piece—The ordering and managing the
Fowling-Piece—The Appendages of the Fowling Piece.
The Choice of Powder, Shot, and Flints—Of Partridge
Shooting, with the Choice and Ordering of Pointers —Of
Fheafant Shooting, with the Ordering of Spaniels—Of
Woodcock Shooting—Of Snipe Shooting—Of Water and
Fen-Fowl Shooting, and the life of proper Dogs—Of Up¬
land Winter Shooting : With neceflary Obfervations for
the Young Sportfman when out, and on returning home.
By George Ediey Gent.
Adorned with a beautiful Frontifpiece, finely executed by
a capital Artilf, and printed on a ftrong Writing Paper, to
make it portable for the Pocket. Price 1 s»