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Onr Bleffed Lord and Saviour
Containing the Genealogy ef our Glorious Redeemer j
t his Nativity, Prefervation, Cifcumcriion,-Baptifm, Falling,
Temptation, Mintflry, Doflrine, Calling the Apoftles,
Miracles, Parables, Travels, Transfiguration, Paflion,
t Inllitution of the Sacrament,' Crucifixion, Burial, Refur-
la- reflion, Appearance, and Afcenikm: Together with the
jut Lives and Sufferings of his Holy Apollles, Evangelifts, and
other Primitive Martyrs, who have laid down their Liv^s
i in the glorious Caufe of Ckrtfianity, the Foundation on
rh: which all our Hopes of Eternal Happinefs are fixed.
r,pt Enriched with Twenty-five beautiful Copper-plates,
L i finely engraved.
•t In a large QuartoVolume. Price, neatly bound in Calf, i6s>,
I j f .Lf This Work may bo had in Twenty-five Six-penny
•■P |tj Numbers, in the fame Manner as The Chrillian's Dictionary,
(each Number being embeHillied with One beautiful Copper-
plat e, finely engraved.
ENGLAND’S Bloody Tribunal ;
O R,
Containing a complete Account of the Lives, Religious
Principles, Cruel Perlecutions, Sufferings, Tortures, and
Triumphant Deaths, of the moft pious Englifh Protellant
Martyrs, who have fealed the Faith of our Holy Religion
with their Blood.
By the Rev, Matthew Taylor, D. D.
Embtllifhed with Twenty-five curious Copper-plates, repre-
ienting the various different Tortures infliifed upon the
feveral Martyrs, whofe Lives are recorded in the Work.
In a large Volume in Quarto. Price, neatly bound in
Calf and Lettered, 16 s.
*i * The above Work is comprized in Twenty-five Six-'
penny Numbers, which may be had one or more at a
Time, as may f'uit the Reader’s Convenience ; each Num¬
ber embellifhed with a beautiful Copper-plate, curloufly
A j IX.