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Elegantly printed on an excellent new Letter and fuperfina
Paper, to be compleated in One Hundred Numbers, oi*
the Overplus given Gratis ; every Number to be enriched
with at leaft One beautiful Copper-plate, finely engraved
by a capital Mafter ; the Whole forming the moftfuperb
Set of Prints ever given in a Work of the Kind, in this
or any other Kingdom.
On Saturday next will be publijhed. Price only 6d.
Adorned with a curious Frontifpiecc, drawn by Wale, and
engraved by Burder j and a large whole Sheet Map of the
World, finely ornamented,
NUMBER I. (To be continued Weekly) Df
Containing a full, accurate, authentic, and intcrefting
Account and Defcnption of Euro'pe, Afia, Africa, and
America 5 as confiding of Continents, Iflands, Oceans, Seas,
Rivers, Lakes, Promontories, Capes, Bays, Peninfulas,
Ifthmufies, Gulphs, &c. and divided into Empires, King¬
doms, States, and Republics: Together with their Limits,
Boundaries, Climate, Soil, Natural and Artificial Curio-
fities'and Productions, Religion, Laws, Government, Re¬
venues, Forces, Antiquities, &c. Alfo the Provinces, Ci¬
ties, Towns, Villages, Forts, Cattles, Hat hours, Sea-Ports,
Aouetm&s, Mountains^ Mines, Minerals, Foflils, Roads,
Public and Private Edifices, Univerfities, &c. contained in
each; and all that is interetting relative to the Cuttoms,
Manners, Genius, Tempers, Habits, Amrfements, Cere¬
monies, Commerce, Arts, Sciences, Manufailures, and
Language of the Inhabitants ; with an accurate and lively
Defcriptton of all the various Kinds of Birds, Bealls,
Reptiles, Fiflics, amphibious Creatures, Inl'e&s, &c. Alfo
a coroife Hiftory of- every Empire, Kingdom, State, &c.
frtil and flu. various Revolutions they have undergone. To which
will be added, a New and Ealy Guide to Geography, and the
Ufe of the Globes.
By Charles Theodore Middleton, Efq.
A(Tifted by feveral Gentlemen eminent for their Know¬
ledge in the Science of Geography.
A» V.