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A CATALOGUE of ufeful and enter¬
taining BOOKS, printed for, and fold
by J. Cook?, at Shakfjpeare's-lkad,
Pater-noJier-Row, London ■> and fold by
all other Bodkfellers in Gnat-Britain
and Ireland.
The Univerfal Family B IB L E j
Chriftian’s Divine Library.
| Containing tlie.facred Text of the Old and New Tefla-
| wient, with the Apocrypha at large ; illuftrated with Notes,
I Theological,Hiltorical, Critical, and Explanatory : Wherein
f the Mif-tranflations are coi reftetl, theleeming Contradidions
f reconciled, the difficult PafTages explained, and the Sacred
| Writings difplayed in their genuine Purity and Luftre
I together with praifical Improvements, and general Reflec-
Itions on each Chapter.
By the Rev. Henry Southwell, LL. D.
I Reifor of’ Afterby in Lincolnfiiire, and late of Magdalen
College, Cambridge.
Elegantly printed on an excellent large and new Letter,
and on (itpei fine Paper ; and enriched with upwards of One
Hundred large beautiful Copper-plates, executed in the molt
mafterly Manner from the original Drawings of the
mous Mr. Wale; and the Paintings of the molt capital
foreign Mailers, by Meflrs. Grignion, Walker, Taylor,
Rennoldfon, and other Artifts, whofe Works have done
1 Honour to thele Kingdoms ; cUrioofly ornamented with fan-
I ciedBorders by Mr. Clowes, and the Writing engraved by
I Mr. Gray.
In a large Folio Volume. Price, neatly bound in Calf
and Lettered, a ], iSs.
( %* This Work is comprized in One Hundred Numbers,
which may be bad by one or more at a Time, each Num¬
ber containing One, or more, elegp.ntly
Ml fifgraved.