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The left side of the face, mouth, and nose, are of a
black colour; but this appearance we attribute to the
position in which the head lay while under ground.
No mark of external violence could be observed on any
other part of the body.
(Signed) Charles Grace, M. D., Cupar.
Michael Malcolm, Surgeon, Letham.
The following is a copy of the Indictment on which
Henderson was tried at Perth :—
“John Henderson, damask weaver, present prison¬
er in the jail of Cupar-in-Fife, you are Indicted and Ac¬
cused at the instance of Sir William Uae of St Ca¬
tharines, Baronet, his Majesty’s Advocate, for his Ma¬
jesty’s interest: THAT ALBEIT, by the laws of this
and of every other well governed realm, MURDER ; as
also THEFT; as also FORGERY; as also the USING
or VOUCHER, by any Bank or Banking Company, for
payment of Money, having any false or forged subscrip¬
tion thereon, of any person as indorser thereof, for the
purpose of fraudulently and feloniously obtaining pay¬
ment of the sum therein contained, knowing the same to
be false and forged, are crimes of an heinous nature, and
severely punishable; YET TRUE IT IS AND OF
VERITY, that you the said John Flenderson are guilty
of all and each, or of one or more of the said crimes,
actor, or art and part: IN SO FAR AS, (1.) on the 26th
day of June 1830, or on one or other of the days of that
month, or of May immediately Receding, or of July im¬
mediately following, you the said John Henderson did,
within or near the house or weaving apartment, then or
lately occupied bj the now deceased James Millie, wea¬
ver, situated at Whinny park, in the parish of Monimail,
and county of F'ife, violently, wickedly, and feloniously
attack and assault the said James Millie; and you did