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immediately after to a shop in Letliam, and purchased
linen to make a shirt or neck-shirt, which he wished to
have hurriedly prepared as for a journey. He had re-
turned afterwards to Whinny Park; and about three in
the afternoon he came back to Letham, where he got
some tea made ready for him by Mrs Wallace of the
Crown Inn : Mrs Wallace and her husband remarked
that he was exceeding fluttered and disturbed in his man¬
ner; but as he attributed this appearance {of which he
seemed conscious himself) to his having been intoxicated
over night, it was allowed to pass without much remark.
He had no associates in Letham upon whom he might call;
for he was altogether disliked and repelled by the young
people of the neighbourhood, and only found associates
among the dregs of society in the neighbouring towns.
On Monday it is supposed that he had set off for Dun¬
fermline in company with a person from Auchtermuchty.
They travelled in a gig, and altogether assumed an ap¬
pearance quite inconsistent with the situation of either.
On their arrival at Dunfermline, Henderson did not go
to his father's; but lived chiefly at the house where he
was afterwards apprehended. The keeper of this place,
(called the Old Inn,) whatever may be his other claims
tp respectability, has none in this matter: Henderson
was here allowed every indulgence t and the females who
had been his first inducement to crime, were entertained
by him with all jovially. Two pf them, in their excess
of merriment, were over-heard with him one night, in a
rpom, bargaining jocularly for some article of dress, which
they requested might be good, and of a particularly bright
pattern : if he purchased it, the money must have been
stained with the blood of his master. To one of these he
gave Mr Millie’s tortoise shell snuff-box.* He continued
here for about a week; and jaunted tp several places in the
neighbourhood. He then returned to Whinny Park:
and seemed still to be in excellent spirits : some peo¬
ple inquired when he expected his master to return l It
* TMs box Wfis neatly mounted ie silver, and had the following in¬
scription :—
. To Jamef Millie—The gift at a Fije»d.
Remember me,See'
Tho’ many miles we distant be.