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gether, as mementoes of the past, and the realities of the
present, till God shall call me.
The first two years in Great Britain I delivered 438
lectures, and travelled 23,224 miles; the last three years,
605 lectures, and 40,217 miles; making 1043 public ad¬
dresses, and 63,441 miles travel.
On the morning of our departure, several hundred
friends assembled at the “ London and North-Western”
station. George Cruikshank brought me a painting of a
scene in the life of Joe Grimaldi. I prized it for the
artist, and because it is, I believe, the only painting in
the United States from his pencil.
The Earl of Shaftesbury sent a pocket edition of the
Psalms, with the following note:
“Dear Mr. Gough,—It would give me much pleasure to see
you again, and to hear you again; but under the extreme pres¬
sure of business, both on you and on me, this is, I fear, impos¬
sible. May God be with you, now and for ever, in all your
labours and prayers for the advancement of Christ’s kingdom.
Yours truly, Shaftesbury.
“Pray accept a little book for the pocket, the contents, and
nothing else, make it valuable.
Many brought me loving testimonials, and scores of
letters were placed in my hands, and amid the hearty
“ God bless you’s,” and a warm clasping of hands, we left
those with whom we had been in pleasant and constant
communion for three years.
Before I turn to the record of my remaining work in
this country, I desire, as far as space will permit, to give
some impressions received during my five years’ residence
in Great Britain. I shall be compelled to pass by a large
amount of material collected during my explorations in