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Always go to the church, for if I had taken my
mother’s advice, I would not have been here;
but it cannot be helped now, for I believe, from
the bottom of my heart, it has been God that
brought me to this prison, just to let me see a
sight of my sins, which I thank God for ! Oh
think upon God’s goodness to give his only be¬
gotten Son, that whosoever might believe on
him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Oh ! I am sorry for the way I have grieved
such a God—such a loving God, as to give
his only Son for sinners, even the chief of sin¬
“ Oh ! Gregor, (his brother,) help my mo¬
ther and poor father, as long as you live. Now
do it, dear brother; for if I had it in my power,
I would do it with all my heart. God be with
you, dear brothers and sisters. Hear my last
dying words,—be good to my father and mo¬
ther as long as you live. God be thanked I
am brought to see what sin is, and the evil of
it. I am sorry for the shame I have brought
you and all the family to; and I thank you
most kindly for all the good attendance you
have paid me. Oh! brothers and sisters, be
good to my poor father and mother. For God’s
sake hear my last dying words. God be with
you all, to comfort you, for ever and ever. A-
men ! Farewell, dear father and mother. No
more from your unfortunate, but loving son.
Hugh M'Intosh.”