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a firm and unshaken tone of voice, which form- ]
ed a contrast with the agitated and faltering
voices of those beside them.
I uttered, or rather whispered, to MfDonald, j
some short simple ejaculations, suitable to his i
situation—he joined in them with great fervour.
When giving away his Bible, I said to him, ’
‘ Hugh, you are about to leave that book, and
I trust you are going to its author.’ £ Yes,’
said he, c I trust I am; and. that is a blessed
book !’ (with great emphasis).
I may here add, that the only other psalm <
which was sung on this occasion, and selected
by themselves, was the beginning of Psalm Ivii.
which will be found peculiarly suited to the very
affecting circumstances in which they were
Thus terminated the mortal career of these
three young men, who, at a very early period
of life, fell victims to the laws of their country.
In all such cases, where there is not an oppor¬
tunity afforded of proving the reality of any
change of sentiment that is professed, by its
subsequent effects upon the conduct, it certain-,
ly becomes us to speak with caution. But, in
the present instance, we may safely assert, that,
in so far as we can judge from appearances, (and
it is only in this way we can judge in any case,)
these young men saw the excellence of that Gos-'
pel which reveals salvation to the guilty ; em¬
braced it as the refuge of their souls; experi-