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Muir, moor
Mun, must
Munnet, must not
Murry, merry
Mworn, momin
Mwomin, morning
Mysel, myself
Nabab, nabob
Nae or nee, no
Naigs, borses
Nar, near
Nat tie, to strike slightly
Naturable, natural
Nayshen, nation
Neame, name
Neb, nose
Nee, no
Neef, fist
Neegers, negroes
Ne’er ak, never mind
Neet, night
Neist, next
New-fangled, new fa¬
Neybor, neighbour
Neyce, nice
Nimmel, nimble
Nin, none
Nit, not
Niver, never
Nobbet, only
Nout, nothing
Nowt, cattle
Nowther, neither
Nuik, nook or comer
Nwoble, noble
Nwotions, notions
Nwotish or nwotice,
Oaners, owners
Odswinge! a rustic oath
Oddments, articles of no
great value
Offen, often
Onie or ony, any
Onset, dwelling-house
and out-buildings
On’t, contraction of on it
Open’d their gills, gaped
wide and drank much
Or, ere
Ought, aught
Owre, over
Owther, either
Paddock rud, frog spawn
Pang’d, quite full
Parfect, perfect
Pat, put
Pate, head
Paut, to walk heavily
Paw mair, stir more;
thus, “The cat will
never paw mair,”
means the cat will
never stir more