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Furze, firs
Fuss, bustle
Fwoal, foal
Fworc’d, forc’d
Fwok, folk
Fwurm, a form, a bench
or long seat
Ga, to go
Gaim, yam
Gam, game
Ganders, gamblers
Gammerstang, a tall
awkward person of
bad gait
Gane, gone
Gang, to go; a confed¬
erated company of
infamous persons
Gar, to compel
Garth, orchard, garden
Gat, got
Gate, road or path
Gawn, going
Gayshen, a smock-faced
silly-looking person
Geapes, gapes
Gear, wealth, money,
the tackling of a cart
or plough
Gev, give
Gim, grin
Girt, great
Git, get
Gliff, glance
Glime, to look obliquely,
Glowre or glower, to
Glump’d, gloom’d
Gob, mouth
Gomas, a simpleton
Gow, go
Gqwd i’ gowpens, gold
in handfuls
Gowdspink, a goldfinch
Gowk, the cuckoo; a
thoughtless, ignorant
fellow, who harps too
long on a subject
Graen, to groan
Graith’d, dress’d, ac¬
Grandideer, grenadier
Grandy, grandmother
Granf adder, grandfather
Granson, grandson
Greace, grace
Greave, grave
Greymin, a thin cover¬
ing of snow
Greype, a three-prong’d
instrument for the
purpose of cleaning
Grousome, grim
Grummel, to grumble
Guff, a fool
Guid, good