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cing the pig to the fpedlators. Gentlemen, fail. •
he. it is not me whom you hifs, but this pai,.
pig himfelf: fuch excellent judges you are!” '
“ Coufin (faid Alexo) thy fable is too feven
hut notwithllanding thy pig, we will not gii r,
up our opinion. Let us change the difcoufj
(added he) I am tired of this fubjed. So, the 1
wilt depart to-morroW, in fpite of my defire i: i
enjoy thy company a little longer ?” “ I wifti'i^.’
could make a longer ftay in Madrid (replied hj
kinlfnan) but it is not in my power. I have tbl
you already that I came to the court of Spain |r
bout an affair of flate ; and, at my arrival yefle:L
day, had an audience of the prime miniflet
whom I (hall fee again to-morrow morning; ini.
mediately after which I fhall fet out on my rel
turn to Lifbon.” Thou art become altogether
Portuguefe, (faid Segiar) and in all likelihool
wilt never return to live in Madrid.” “ I belierl,
I fhall not (anfwered Don Pompeio) for I am f
happy as to be beloved by the king of Portugal .
and enjoy a great deal of pleafure at his court ;
But notwithstanding his kindnefs to me, wouk,
you believe that 1 have been on the point ( „
quitting his dominions for ever ?” “ Pray, te ,f
us the reafon ! (faid Don Alexo.” “ With al;
ray heart anfwered Don Pompeio; and at tM,
fame time will relate the ftory of my life.”
The hrfiory of Don Pompeio de Caflro.
DON Alexo (added he) knows, that while)
was yet a boy I refelved to carry arms*