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l78 the adventures of
fooner opened it, and read the contents, thart'
faid, with a complaifant air, “Signor Gil lit
Pedro Pelacio, my correfpondent, writes fo p
fingly m your behalf, that 1 cannot difpenfe *1
your lodging at my houfe. He moreover entr t
me to find a place for you; and I undertake t :
office with pleafure, being perfuaded that I f t
find no difficulty in procuring for you a good *
1 accepted the ofi'er of Melendez with fo m
the more joy, as my finances were fenfibly di t
niihed. But 1 did not live long at his ex pen ,
for in eight days he gave me to know, that;
had recommended me to a gentleman of his In
quaintance, who wanted a valet de chamb |L
and that, in all probability, I would be prefer^
to the poll. The gentleman coming in at t s
moment,—“ Signor, (faid Melendez, ftiewing r
to him) this is the young man I mentioned [
you. He is a youth of honour and fobriety, a«
I can anfwer for his good behaviour, as much
for my own.” The cavaliei, having looked at
attentively, faid he liked my countenance, a;
took me into his fervice. “ He may follow i'
now, (added he) and I will inftrucl him in r
duty.” At theie words he bade the merchq |e
good-morrow, and conducting me into the gix i
itreet juft by St Philip’s church, we enteredl
pretty good houfe, one wing of which he poflln
fed ; and going up five or fix fteps of a ftair, ir
introduced me into a chamber, fecured by t\ jj.
ftrong doors which he opened, and in the firll r
perceived a fmall window, grated with iroi T
through this chamber we went into anothq j
where there was a bed and other furniture, mo|
calculated for convenience than ihew.
if my new mailer confidereu me attentive]