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G I L B L A S. 169
fortune which has already happened to us
“e than once.”
ijVith thefe words this prince of the drama
mg up, Ihouldered his knapfack, girded on
fvvord, and, at parting, pronounced, with a
atrical air, “ Gentlemen, adieu! may the
Is exhauft their bounties on you.” “ And
r f [, (replied Diego) may you, at your return to
- nora, behold your wife’s condition and tem-
.. : changed.” Signor Zapta no iboner Ihewed
' 1 wheels than he began to rehearfe as he walk-
! and immediately the barber and I hided, to
ij: him in mind of his trial: the noife reaching
r.<] ears, bethought he Hill heard the cat-calls of
Idrid; upon which he looked back, and per¬
il ving that we made merry at his expence, far
i m being incenfed at our buffoonery, took all
•good part, and continued his noife, burfting
jp iits of laughter all the way. We returned
3 I mirth with all our might; and> getting back
o the high road, purfued our journey.
condition in which Diego finds his family ; and
■(in account of the rejoicings: after which Gil
Bias bids himJare-well.
- _"¥ AV1NG llept that night between Mayados
' and Valquefta, in a little village whcfe
jme 1-have forgot, we arrived next day about
1 ^ven o’clock in the forenoon, in the plain of
tniedo. “ Signor Gil Bias, (laid my comrade)
- ■ jiere is the place of my nativity, which I can-
it behold again without tranfport; fo natural
it to love one’s country,” “ Signor Diego,
Vol. 1. (anfwered