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my guitarre, and that he might go and regale t
miftrefs with this agreeable piece of news,
this he did not fail; and that paffionate inamoi)
was ravillied to underftand that file Ihould h •
the pleafure of feeing and hearing me that v 5
A. difagreeable accident, however, had w
nigh baulked her expe&ation. For I could |
leave the fhop before night, which, for my fi;
was extremely dark; and as I groped along 5.
ftreet, and had got about half way to the piaci'
rendezvous, was crowned, from a window, with •,
contents of a perfuming-pan, that did not at h
delight my fenfeoffmelling ; though I may fat
ly lay, I loft none of it, fo exactly was I equii
In this condition, 1 did not know what courier,
take. Had I returned to the fliop, 1 fliould hi p
aftbrded a very diverting fcene to my comrade
and expofed myfelf to a thoufand unfavou
jefts; and I was fhocked at the thought of j
ing in this pickle to Mergellina: this laft, hos;
ever, 1 reiolved upon, and going to thephjf
cian’s houfe, found the old fquire waiting for itv
at the door. When he told me that Do&or k
lorofo being in bed, we might freely divert 01 k
felves; I anfwered, I muft firit clean my cloth |;
and then related my misfortune. He fyirqi .
thifed with me, and conducted me into a h|
where his miftrefs was, who no fooner learn |
my adventure, and faw my condition, than £L
grieved for me as much as if I had met with t
greateft: misfortune; and beftowed a thoufai r
curies on the perfon who had thus accommod p
ted me. “But, Madam, (laid Marcos to he(
moderate your tranfports; and conlider that tip
event, being the pure elfecl of chance, oug j
not to be fo deeply refented,” “ Why Ihou k
not 1 (anfwered Hie) deeply refent the inju