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GIL B L A S. t ip
3 It of my fword, which thumped againil my
'e tms, or got between my legs, at every ftep.
< Arriving at the village of Ataquines, in the
iofening, very fliarp fet, 1 went to lodge'at an inn,
jiid, as if I had been a man of fortune, called for
. pper, with an air of authority. The landlord
giving furveyed me fome time, and feeing who
;; had to do with, faid, in a very obliging man-
fr, “Mailer, you. lhall be fatisfied; we wiil
• eat you like a prince.” So faying, he ihewed
qe into a little room ; where, in a quarter of an
iDur, they brought me a ragout made of ram
; nt, which I eat as greedily as if it had been com-
■ibfed of a rabbit or hare. This excellent dilh
v 'as accompanied with wine, fo good, as he faid,
iliat the king himfelf could not drink better,
r totwithHanding this eulogium, I perceived, it
- o*as curfedly four; but this did not hinder me
• • { foni doing as much honour to it, as I had al-
! pady done to the ragout: and to complete the
peatment of a prince, I was conducted to a couch
ytf jlore proper for encouraging watchfulnefs than
. 1 .eep ; being a truckle-bed fo narrow a?id ihort,
ihat, little as I was, I had no room to lie in it
jHth my legs extended : belides, inilead of matr-
. i i^efs and feather bed, it had only a wretched
i tack bed, covered with a doubled Iheet, which
iiad ferved an hundred different travellers, at
tall, lince t’ue laid walhing. Neverthelefs, in
fibcha convenience, my ftomach full of ragout,
mil that delicious wine which the landlord had
i recommended, thanks to my youth and confti-
qution, l enjoyed a found lleep, and fpent the
.1 night without indigeftion.
dti Next day, after having brcakfafted, and paid
Tauce for my good cheer, I made but one Itage
'i ta Segovia; and, on my fuel arrival, had the