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GIL B L AS. 123
' : jjislifguifed, that at firil I did not know him ; for
e changed his drefs, twifted his hair into a queu,
.jeered one half of his face with ?. pair of artid-
!l whilkers, provided himfelf with a huge
5brd, the hilt of which was at lead three feet in
a; cumference ; and marched at the head of five
n fen who looked as fierce as himfelf, and wore
] jb long rapiers, and thick muftachios. “ Your
■t 'vanr fignior Gil Bias, (laid he, accofiing me)
;|u fee in me an alguazil of a new damp, and in
:l( bfe brave fellows who accompany me, foldiers
l the fame model. Shew us only the houfe of
je woman who dole your diamond, and be af-
^red that we will make her redore it in a twink-
;i }g.” I embraced Fabricius, at this difeourfe,
•jjbich explained the lb-at a gem he intended to
! it in pradice ih my behalf; and adured him,
. at 1 very much approved of his expedient, I
- < luted ado the falie foldiers, who were three va-
j ts, and two journeymen barbers of his acquain-
i hce, whom he had engaged to ad this part.
•i laving treated the whole brigade w:th wine, we
vt ;nt altogether, in the twilight, to t-amdia’s lod-
.clPg*?, and knocked at the door, which tiie old
d joman opening, and taking ray attendants<or
j fee terriers of judice*, who never entered that
d fufe without, caufe, was feized with condevna-
,pn. “ Courage good mother, (faid Fabricius to
■: ) '.ve are come hither only on account of a
dial! affair that will foon be determined.” So
Ybying, we advanced to the chamber of the lick
d j?*'fon, conducted by the old woman, who waik-
j i before, lighting us wilh. a wax taper in a til-
ibr candieltick. I ahing the candle in my hand,
I [Went toTvards the bed, and dileovering my face
d feCamiha, “ Perfidious Woman! (laid i ) behold
lj:j *e too credulous Gil Bias, whom you have trick-
M 2 * ed.