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Tow Gil Bias bejlowsd himfelf after the adventure
j of the ready furnifbed lodging.
HAVING heartily bewailed my misfortune,
I confidered, that inftead of giving way
.b.forrow, I ought to animate myfelf againd mif-
liiance; and fummoning all my courage to my
, ifiilance, faid to myfelf, while I put on my
lothes, by way of confolation, I am happy in
. hat the rogues have not alfo carried off my ap¬
parel, and fome ducats which I have ftill in my
jiurfe. I gave them credit for this piece of civi-
ity, and fold my boots, which they had been ge-
, icrous enough to leave likewife, to my landlord,
or one third of the money they had coft me.
Then taking my leave of the ready furniflied
, pdging, without having occallon, thank God !
br any body to carry my baggage, the firlt thing
: idid, was to go and fee whether or not my mules
vere at the inn, where I alighted the preceding
, iight: though I was of opinion that Ambrofe
uad not left them there ; and I wifh to God my
■ ipinion of him had been always as juft! for they
old me, he had taken care to fetch them away
hat very evening; wherefore, laying my ac-,
:ount with having feen the laid of them, as well
is of my portmanteau, I ftrolled about the ftreets
.n a melancholy manner, muling on what fhould
oe my next courfe. I was tempted to return to
Burgos, and have recourfe to Donna Mencia once
more; but when I reflected, that in fo doing I
hould abufe the generoiity of the lady, and at
fhe fame time, be looked upon as a booby, I re-
in^uifhed that thought, fwearing I fhould, for