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was gone out, but returned in a little time’ll
when I afked where he had been, he replied v, itl i
a pious air, that he was juft come from churcfflt
where he had been to return thanks to Heaven!-
for having preferved him from all evil accidenli
on the road from Burgos even into Valladolid
I approved 'of his conduct, and bade him orde^
a fowl to the,fire for my fupper.
At that very inftant, my landlord entered wll
a taper in his hand, lighting in a lady who feemlj
more handfome than young, and very richl|
drefied. She was fquired by an old uftier, andf
little blackamoor carried her train. 1 was notl
little furprifed when this lady, after having madj
a low courtefy, aiked if I was not Signior Gj
Bias of Santillane ? to- which I had no fooner aif
fwered in the affirmative, than fine quitted he|
attendant, and embraced me with a tranfport os
joy that redovrbled ni} aftonilhment. “ Bmlf*
be heaven (cried Ihe) for this meeting 1 You ai
the perfon, Signior Cavalier, you are the ve#
perfon I was in queft of!” At this preamble 1
thought of the pavafite at Pennalior; and begaf
to look upon the lady as a downright bite ; wheJ
I was induced to think more favourably of hJ
by what followed. “ I am (added Ihe) coufnij
german to Donna Mencia of Mpfquero, who hJ
been fo much obliged to you; and received 1
letter from her this morning, importing, that haj-
ving heard you was gone to Madrid, I would owt
lige her very much, by treating you handfomel#
provided you fliould pals this way : I have be#
running all over the town thele two hours, ill
quiring from inn to inn, about all the ft ran g#^
that arrived; and by the defcription your ft
lord gave me of you, 1 imagined you might j
the deliverer of my couiin. Ah! now tm-H