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efcape from hence, when I am utterly deprives
of the means! In died:, I had too goodreafontc
fay fo; for a prifoner without money is like
bird whofe wings are clipped.
Inftead of the partridge and rabbit I had be-’
fpoke, they brought to me a little brown breac;
and a pitcher of water, and left me to fret at lei-
fure in a dungeon, where I remained fifteen wholei
days, without feeing a human creature, except
the turnkey, who came every morning to renew
my provifion. As often as I faw him I endea»j
voured to fpeak and enter into converfation with;
him, in order to divert me a little; but this ve-i
nerable perfon made no anfwer to what I faiql]
I could not extrad one word from him; n^y, for.
the moft part, he came in and went out, withoujB
fo much as deigning me a look. On the fixteenti.
day, the corregidor coming in, faid, “Thou maydlL
now give a loofe to joy. I bring thee agreeabffl
tidings. I have ordered the lady who was alonl
with thee, to be conduded to Burgos. I examl
ned her before her departure, and her anfweiij
have exculpated thee. Thou fhalt be enlarge*
this very day, provided that the muleteer, withi;
whom (as thou fayeft) thou cameft from Penn»
flor to Cacabelos, confirms thy depofition. He i|j
now in Altorga, and I have fent for him; and, if
he agrees with thee, in the adventure of the raclB
I will inftantly fet thee free.”
Thefe words gave me infinite joy ! I looked1
upon myfelf as already acquitted ! I thanked the:
judge for his juft and expeditious dceifion ; audi
had not quite finifhed my compliment, when the
carrier, conduded by two fcldiers, arrived. I
remembered his face immediately; but he, haii
ving without doubt fold my portmanteau, and all I
that was in it, was afraid of being obliged to re|j