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m lately returned from Afric confirmed this
^ort, alluring me, that he was perfedly well
quainted with Don Alvaro de Mello, had fer-
d vith him in the Portuguefe army, and even
v him fall in the action: to this he added ma-
i other eircumftances, which peifuaded me, that
y hufband was no more.
At that time, Don Ambrofia Mefia Carillo,.
prquis of Guardia, came to Valladolid; he was
e of thofe old lords who, by the politenefs and
llantry of their manners, make people forget
eir age, and continue Hill agreeable to the la¬
ss : one day hearing, by accident, the flory of
on Alvaro; and being delirous of feeing me,
account of the pidhrre which had been drawn
me ; for the fatisfa&ion of his curiolity, he
gaged one of my relations, who carried me to
(r houfe. Seeing me there, I had the fortune
pleafe him, in fpite of the remarkable impref-
n which grief had made on my countenance :
it why do I fay, in ipite of it ? perhaps he was
inched alone by my fad and languiiUing air,
nich prepoffelTed him in favour ot my fidelity,
is love, in all probability, was the effedl o'f my
elancholy; for he told me more than once, that
s looked upon me as a miracle of conftancy ;
,d that, for this realon, he even envied the fate
| my hufband, how deplorable foever it was in
her refpedts. In a word, he was ftruck at fight
? me, and had no occafion to fee me a fecond
ne, in order to take the refolution of making
& his wife.
;He chofe the interceffion of my kinfwoman
wards die obtaining of my confent. She came,
my lodgings accordingly, and reprefented to
ie, that my hufband having ended his days in
e kingdom of Fez,, as we had been informed;
Fa it