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‘I am not willing to resign so much of my
dignity.’ ‘ Then,’ returned Cupid,4 leave off
desiring to he loved.’”
These remarks by Mrs. Barbauld are full
of sound philosophy. Who has not observed
in his circle of acquaintance, and in the
recesses of his own heart, the same incon¬
sistency of expectation, the same peevish¬
ness of discontent ?
Says Germanicus, “ There is my dunce of
a classmate has found his way into Congress,
and is living amid the perpetual excitement
of intellectual minds, while I am cooped up
in an ignorant country parish, obliged to be
at the beck and call of every old woman,
who happens to feel uneasy in her mind.”
44 Well, Germanicus, the road to political
distinction was as open to you as to him;
why did you not choose it ?” “Oh, I could
not consent to be the tool of a party ; to
shake hands with the vicious, and flatter
fools. It would gall me to the quick to hear
my opponents accuse me of actions I never
committed, and of motives which worlds
would not tempt me to indulge.” Since
Germanicus is wise enough to know the
whistle costs more than it is worth, is he not
unreasonable to murmur because he has not
bought it ?
Matrona always wears a discontented look
when she hears the praises of Clio. 441 used
to write her composition for her when we