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these have their proper price, and may be
bought too dearly. They who never reserve a
farthing of their income, with which to meet
any unforeseen calamity, “ pay too dear for
the whistle,” whatever temporary benefits
they may derive from society. Self-denial,
in proportion to the narrowness of your in¬
come, will eventually be the happiest and
most respectable course for you and yours.
If you are prosperous, perseverance and in¬
dustry will not fail to place you in such a
situation as your ambition covets; and if
you are not prosperous, it will be well for
your children that they have not been edu¬
cated to higher hopes than they will ever
If you are about to furnish a house, do not
spend all your money, be it much or little.
Do not let the beauty of this thing, and the
cheapness of that, tempt you to buy unne¬
cessary articles. Dr. Franklin’s maxim was
a wise one, “ Nothing is cheap that we do
not want.” Buy merely enough to get along
with at first. It is only by experience that
you can tell what will be the wants of
your family. If you spend all your money,
you will find you have purchased many
things you do not want, and have no means
left to get many things which you do want.
If you have enough, and more than enough,
to get every thing suitable to your situation,
do not think you must spend it all, merely