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(636) Catalogue -
Books fold at JOHN PAXONj Slop m\he Par¬
liament Clofe.
illUl x/'i.Iu Folio.
A Cts of AffecnMy from i6g0 \(r
Jy., trig ituiujive.
fence's Decifions of tlie Court of
D«rtetorv!s Doubts and Decifions.
Dude's Dectfions.
Home’s refnarkabie Decifions.
M'Kenzte's Obfervations on the
Afts of Parliament.
Stewart’s Anfwers to Dirleton's
Doubts. • •
Ik Quarto.
A Nderfon’* Deience of Presby-
nth* Song of Solomon,
-^on thf! is Chap, of Ifauh.
• Gilmour and Falconer s Dedfions.
Nisbet oh the Ecclefiaftes.
PitcarmUiflenationes Msdcse,
Pardivih’sC'oBeftions akfetU Crwtrch
• Gbsirnnient.
. , In Qtfavo & infra.
A fits of AfTembly froiii' 1638. to
Afendginent Vf S\t Afts of Afrem
bV by-Ihindas.
Bruce’s Abridgment of tire Bdthh
Vs'fcifexOjff'dth. ,.y
h omnia. -
. .h Chytnsi, &c.
- DittoeJmo Kudimanni.
Confesnon. of Faith with the Scrip-.
OmAhaers FuiTendorf de' officio
-riintroduSi 9. ad logicam. ^
-if^iopfih’iffeobgi^ natufairis
Divine Breathings of, a pious
Darhamla SSdraniental Sermon*.
Ew^idis^aj^dise duaeBuchanani,
Aifopi JFabiuhr ieleria.btc. Gr. felt.
Epifcol* Regum Scoriae, 2 Vol.,
■ EiTiy on Husbandry by the Socirty
for Awtcukure. . ,
— on ' Ways »nd Means for ink
proving Scotland. Ji
Guthry’s Intereft with Dunlop’*
— Ditto, without the Preface. A
Church of Scotland.
Hamilton’s Sermons on tire
Chapter of the Romans.
Herodiani hiftoria, Gr. Lai. ,
Hope’s Minor Prafticks.
Mackenzie's Jnftiturion*.
-- Pleadings. ” .
Pharmacopeia Edinburgenfi*. -*
Rujlrerfqard^ fetters. . .
- Chrift’s. dying ahd drawing Sat.
Stcuart’s Ahridgment of the AS*
of. Parliameht. '
Simfoni difiertationea 'ttiedicae,
Spctifyyppd’s Form of Procetf
before "the 'Coilrt Of Seflion. -
— Stdes apdtfeirin cifWrits.
Wiltifon VSacramental Cafechif*,''
-- atiiiCted MajxaCompanion. .
on'the Sabbatfi. ' ' '
— Sacrarhetttab Diredtary. "
Wapdetron Baptifinandthe Lord’*
Webtter's Serrrtpni.
ViiKents Cateehifm,
Wellwood’i Meditations. *
Bibles, J^ew T eftaments, and Pfalm
' Books 'Of all Sor s, Diftionai le^
: of fercral K.inds, and Claflidks
with and without Notes of all
- l . la