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Head VI. from Wrath, 607
great Salvation were not mce named / But all in
Vain. WhatV done cannot be undone ; the Op¬
portunity is loft and can never be retriev’d; Timt's
] gone, and cannot be recall’d. Wherefore improve
j -Time, while you have it, and do not wiKully ruin
: your felveSj' by ftppping-your Ear to -the Gofpei
j And now, if you would be faved from the Wrath
to come, and never go into this Place of 'torment,
take no reft in your natural State - believe the Sin-
1 fulnefs and Jtfifary o: it, and labour to get out of
it quickly, fleeing unto Jefus Chrift by Faith. Sin
: in you is the Seed of Hell: And, ffthe Guilt and
reigning Power of it be not remov’d in Time^ thty’il
i bring you to the fecoiid Death in Eternity. There’s
na Way to get them remov’d, but by receiving of
Cnrift, as he iV offered in the Gofpd, for Jixflifica-
trdn and Sanctification : And he is now offered
to your with all his Sa: nation, ftw. xxii. 12, 17.
'And behold, I come quickly, and my Reward is
with me, to give every Man according as his Work,
(hall be. And the Spirit and the Bride, fay, come.
And let him that heareth, ■ Jay, come. And let him
that is athirft come. And wbofoever will, let hint
take if e Water of Life freely. Jdus Chrill is the
Mediator of Pedqe, and the Fountain of Holmefs r
! He it is who delivereth us from the Wrath to come^
There is no Condemnation to them which " are in
Cbrijl Jefus, who walk not after the Befh but
after the Spirit, Rom. viii. 1. And the Terrors of
Bell, ,as well as the Joys of Heaven arc fit
you, to ftir you up to a Cordial receiving of him
with all his Salvation • and to deterrfrfn* yfftfdrWtb
the Way of Faith and Holme fs, in which a’
Vol. II. Q^q