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&02 A BalUnce of State IV,
gour, to cut off Luffs dear as Right Hands and
Right Eyes, to fet our Faces refolutely againft all
Difficulties, and fight our Way thro’ all the Op-
polttion made by the Devil, the World, and the
Flelh ; are, all of them, together, little enough for
U s e II. Here’s a Ballance of the Sanctuary, by
which one may underftand the Ligbtnefs ot what
is falfly thought weighty ; and the Weight of
fome Things, by many, reckoned to be very
Firjly Some Things feem very weigthy, which
weigh’d in this Ballance, will be found very
light, (i.) Weigh the World, and all that's in it±
the Luft of the Flejh, the Lnfi of the Eyes, and
the Pride of Life, and the whole will be found
light in the Ballance of Eternity. Weigh herein
all worldly Profits, Gains, and Advantages ; and
you’ll quickly fee, that a thoufand Worlds will
not quit the Coff of the Eternity of Wo. For
•what is a Man profited, if he Jhall gain the
•whole World, and lofe his own Soul ? Mat. xvi.
26. Weigh the Pleafures of Sin, which are but
for a Seafon, with the Fire that is everlafiing ;
and you muff account your felves Fools and mad
Men, to run the Hazard of the one, for the o-
ther. (2.) Weigh your slffittfions in this Bailance,
and you’ll find the heavieft of them very light,
in refped: of the Weight of eternal Anguifft. Im¬
patience under Affliftion, efpecially when world¬
ly Troubles do fo embitter Mens Spirits, that
they cannot relifh the glad Tidings of the Gof-
pel, fpeaks great Regardlelsnefs of Eternity. As
a fmall and inconfiderable Lois, with be very
little at Heart with him, who fees himfelf in