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Head VI. Society with Devils. 591
Furies, would be a moft terrible Confinement. How
would Men’s Hearts fail them, and their Hair
(land up, finding themfelves environ’d with the
hellifii Crew, in that Cafe! But ah! How much
more terrible muft it be, to be caft with the Devils
into one Fire, lock’d up with them in one Dungeon,
Ihut up with them in one Pit! To be clos’d up in
a Den of roaring Lions, girded about with Serpents,
furrounded with venomous Afps, and to have the
Bowels eaten out by Vipers, all together, and at
once, is a Comparifon too low, to fhew the Mifery
of the Damn’d, fliut up in Hell, with the Devil
and his Angels. They go about now, as roaring
Lions, feeking whom they may devour : But then
lhall they be confin’d in their Den with their Preyi
They fhall be fill’d to the Bdm with the Wrath of
God, and receive the full torment (Mat. viii. 29.)
which they tremble in Expeftation of, (Jam. ii. 19.)
being caft into the Fire prepared for them. How will
thefe Lions roar and tear! How will thefe Serpents
hils! Thefe Dragons vomit out Fire! What horrible
Anguifh will feize the Damned, finding themfelves
in the Lake of Fire with the Devil, who deceived
them; drawn thither with thefilken Cords of Temp¬
tation, by thefe wicked Spirits; and bound with them
in everlafting Chains under Darknefs! Rev. xx. 1 o.
And the Devil that deceived them, was cajl into the
Lake of Fire and Brimjione, where the Beaft and
the falfe Prophet are, and Jball be tormented Day
and Night for ever and ever.
Othat Men would confider this in Time, re¬
nounce the Devil and his Lufts, and join thunftlves
to the Lord in Faith and Holinefs. Why ftiould
Men choofe that Company in this World, and de¬
light in that Society, they would not defire to alfo-
Vol. It. P p ciatii