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588 The Tmifhment of Senfe State IV,
Use. Learn from this (1.) tfhe evil of Sin.
,Xis a Stream that will carry down the Sinner, till
he be fwallowed up in an Ocean of Wrath. The
Pleafures of Sin are bought too dear, at the Rate
of everlafting Burnings. What avail’d the rich
Man’s purple Clothing and fumptuous Fare, when
in H 11 he was wrapt up in purple Flames, and
could not have a Drop of Water to cool his tfongue?
Alas chat Men fhould indulge themfelvcs in Sin,
which will be fuch Bitternefs in the End; that they
ihould drink fo greedily of the poifonous Cup, and
hug that Serpent in their Bofom, that will fling
them to the Heart, and gnaw out their Bowels at
length! (2.) IVbat a God he is, with whom we
have to do; what a Hatred he bears to Sin, and
how fcverely he punifheth it. Know the Lord to
be moft juft, as well as moft merciful; and think
not that he is fuch an one as you are: Away with
the fatal Miftake e’re it be too late, Pfal. 1. 21, 22.
Sthou thoughtefi that I was altogether fuch an one
as thy felf hut I will reprove thee, and fet them in
order before thine Eyes. Now con/ider this, ye that
forget God, leaft I tear you in Pieces, and there be
none to deliver. The Fire prepared for the Devil
and his Angels, as dark as it is, will ferve to dif-
cover God to be a fevere Revenger of Sin. Laftly,
%he abfolute Necejfity of fleeing to the Lord Jefus
Chrift by Faith; the fame Neceffity of Repentance,
and Holinefs of Heart and Life. The Avenger of
Blood is purfuing thee, O Sinner, hafte and efcape
to the City of Refuge. Wafti now in the Fountain
of the Mediator’s Blood, that you may not perifh
in the Lake of Fire. Open thy Heart to’him,
leaft the Pit cl«fe its Mouth on dice. Leave thy