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5 Si The T? mi foment of Senje State IV.
fearful Thing to fall into a Fire, or to be Unit up in
a fiery Furnace, on Earth: But the Terror of
thefe evaniiheth, when one confiders, how fearfulj
it is to fall into the Hands of the living God, which
is the Lot of the Damn’d ; for who Jhall dwell with
the devouring Fire ? whe Jhall dwell with everlafi-
ing Burnings ? Ifa. xxxiii. 14.
As to the fecond Point propofed, namely, the
Properties of the fiery Torments in Hell.
Firjl, They’ll be univerfal Torments, every Part
of the Creature being tormented in that Flame.
When one is caii into a burning fiery Furnace, the
Fire makes its Way into the very Bowels, and
leaves no Member untouched : What Part then
can have Eafe, when the' Damned Iwim in a Lake
of Fire burning with Brirnftone ? There will their
Bodies be tormented, and fcovched for ever. And
as they finned, fo lhall they be tormented, in all the
Parts thereof; that they lhall have no found bide
to turn them to; For what Soundnefs or Eafe can
be to any Part of that Body, which being fepa-
rated from God, and all Refrelhment from him, is
{fill in.the Pangs of the fecond Death, ever dying,
but never dead ? But as the boa/was chief in Sin¬
ning, it will be chief in Suffering too, being fill’d
brim-ful of the Wrath of a Sin-revenging God. The
Damned lhall ever be under deepeft Impreflions of
God’s vindictive Juftice againft them: And this
Fire will melt their Souls, within them, like Wax.
Who knows the Power of that Wrath, which had
fuch ap EffeCt on the Mediator, Handing in the
Room of Sinners, Pfal. xxii. 14. My Heart is like
Wax, it is melted in the midjl of my Bowels. Their
Minds lhall be filled^ with the terrible Apprehen-
fiLns of God’s implacable Wrath: And whatever